Six top tips on equity release mortgages

Six top tips on equity release mortgages

If you’re considering going down the equity release mortgage route, then you’re probably aware of the overall concept behind them, how they work and the benefits of releasing equity from your home – particularly if you’re 55 years old and above and looking to free up...
Getting a mortgage with bad credit

Getting a mortgage with bad credit

Do you remember the heady days of pre-2007; a time (for a decade or so leading up to the ‘credit crunch’) when there was unfettered access to mortgages and mortgages were granted on the basis of what the applicant stated they earned? I do, as it was only 2006 when I...
A guide to commercial mortgages

A guide to commercial mortgages

There’s never a shortage of debate around residential mortgages and buy to let mortgages. Even equity release mortgages are currently basking in the sunlight after the amount of equity released from the properties of UK homeowners hit over £1bn. However, one type of...
A stress-free mortgage zone

A stress-free mortgage zone

It’s always bittersweet on reading research that indicates that the mortgage sector – and those working within it – could be doing better. It’s bitter in the sense that as a mortgage professional, I would like to see the sector working as efficiently and as...